When you just can't take it anymore


No one becomes a musician to not be noticed. No one tries to write a song that sounds like wall paper. We know literally thousands of bands, songwriters and musicians who don't get "the Notice" even though they make rackets that are worth listening to. They jump right off of the wall to both tickle and strangle your eardrums and make you clap on the 1 and the 4.

This is why we're here - to bring you the music that gets lost in the genericana.

Welcome Kit - read here first

Monday, June 27, 2011

Ivan Applerouth - Blues music that elevates the genre

Longtime sideman Ivan Applerouth has issued a wonderfully listenable disc of instrumental blues, Blue and Sentimental Instrumental.  The band sounds great --> Hammond, stand-up bass, sax and trumpet!! The recording has a great natural live sound.  Nothing against Stevie Ray or his disciples, but Ivan's guitar playing is clean and clever and there is no overplaying.  A breath of fresh air!!

You can find out more at Ellersoul Records!

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